Sunday, 18 March 2012

Blog Reflections and New Perceptions

Access three other student blogs and explain how this informed any new perspectives

I read with interest the blog by Theresa Timmins which can be accessed at:
Her account of the accident she attended and the following investigations she undertook provided me with a new insight about how one shouldn't rule out further investigations just because the findings appears to be (initially) quite conclusive by the majority of people involved. I found her determination to investigate further, despite the majority of people involved in the investigation appearing to have arrived at a conclusion already, quite admirable. It also reinforced to me that just because others may think one way about something, it doesn't mean there aren't other issues that need to be explored before a satisfactory conclusion can be reached. Additionally, it brought to my attention that unless one has the ability to look at each incident with fresh eyes, then one may find themselves trapped in a tunnel vision view of an incident which may appear similar to other incidents that have been investigated in the past but may eventually not resemble the current incident after all, if one is willing to find out all the facts.

Tammy Mullers blog, which can be accessed at:
Her humorous interpretations of her reality within the world and the questions she manages to ask has caused me to give more thought about my views of the world. Her blog on "Building Synapses" was especially poignant to me as too often, I think, we are happy to question others about things, but how often do we actually question ourselves about our thoughts and what instigates them? And if we did take the time to question them, would it provide us with a new insight into the very thing that we are questioning?
To quote Tammy from her "Alice Through The Looking Glass" blog:
To gain a clearer insight into the outside it appears first important to understand our own contextual vision and how our personal prescriptive lens has affected the view.
I look forward to reading more of Tammys thoughts and in so doing, questioning more of my own thought processes on how I see and interact with the world around me.

I found Paul Wards blog, which can be accessed at:
His ability to question the path that he was on, and to then decide to change it to a different one showed great courage and resolve.
For too many years, I continued working in hospitality even though I eventually found that I didnt really enjoy the work. It had been my main occupation since leaving school, and while I had the opportunity to travel to some amazing places throughout my time in the industry, the nomadic lifestyle, lack of job security and crazy shiftwork hours were beginning to bore me. Only after questioning what I really wanted, was I able to look at making a change to a different industry which has eventually led me to my studies here today.
As with any type of change, the initial stages can be somewhat daunting but what I learnt was that not changing would have been far more detrimental, which is the underlying message I also took from Pauls first blog.

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